和墨尔本豆瓣基友顺利面基一起看的片子情绪美好又治愈中途还默默看哭了一下To visit planet Earth, you will have to be born as a human child. You will grow up, travel, and work. Over the years you will try to make sense of that happy-sad-full always-shifting life you were in, and when the time comes to return to your star, it may be hard to say goodbye to that strangely beautiful world
这部电影重在展现而非解释或构建肤浅理解crash 唤起了更加广义上的性欲每一次 crash(包括对身体的 crash)都是一场交媾并在身体和机械体上拓展了满足欲望的方式、抬高了阈值终点直至死亡这个在人类看来似乎变态的主题也许正是这个世界上其他生物所经历的我不喜欢这个片名翻译而且本人对车属实无感亚洲A成人片在线播放只能对导演说:Maybe the next one.