在真人版上映之际看一次动画版这或许是第一次看这部电影印象最深的还是小时候在小神龙俱乐部看的剧集版小时候剧集版性少妇VIDEOSEXFREEXXXX片各种冒险故事看得津津有味可现在这影版故事没有很吸引我剧版影版最吸引我的还是幽默、风趣、搞怪的蓝色的神灯精灵了总可以被它的花样百出逗乐《三人交FREE性欧美》为这部电影增色不少就像歌里所唱的“No one to tell us no or where to goor say we are only dreaming”也是电影所想表达的主旨:真爱无敌自由万岁前方有一个崭新的世界在等着我们去追寻
It's not particularly extraordinary but it's an absolutely quality production with lots of fun. An important retelling of the story to see the ridiculousness Thorne went to just to hide the fact that he was gay, and in some way, it's true that Norman was much braver because he was loud and proud. Though Thorne seems one-dimensional, just plain unlikeable and evil.